How it works


We've done the groundwork for you

We connect homeowners and property managers with the right people for their repairs and renovations, New Zealand-wide.

It’s free to post a job, and there’s no ringing around. Let us know what you need, and we’ll instantly send it to our network of verified trade professionals so you can sit back while they get in touch with you.

  1. Create a job
    Tell us what you need help with and upload some photos using our easy job post form.
  2. Publish & sit back
    Our matching process sends your job details to the most suitable trade professionals in your area.
  3. Look at matches
    Interested, available tradies ‘chase’ your job. Read over their profile and reviews to decide who to connect with.
  4. Choose & complete
    Communicate with tradies on the platform to record job details, review quotes and hire your preferred tradie. Work starts!
  5. Review
    Once the job is done, pay the tradie directly and place a review to help other homeowners.

Connect with confidence

Our patented double-handshake process is unique to our platform — when you post a job to Builderscrack, you control which trade professionals you connect with.

You’ll be able to read the verified reviews they’ve received from other Builderscrack homeowners and check through their business profile. It’s packed with details about their business, experience, accreditations and project galleries.

Get started now

Keen to see what a job may cost? Try our handy estimator.

*Based on the avg. time between job post and chase
FUN FACT: Most people find a tradie for their job within 4 hours!*

“Builderscrack helped us get in touch with

the right person who was able to make it happen and do a great job.”
Chelsea & Simon

Get all the answers

Everything you need to know, in one handy place. Create an account to download our free ultimate guide to home renos. Includes ideas for planning, budgeting, securing a tradie, contracts and project management.

Builderscrack for homeowners

NZ’s largest network of verified trade professionals — ready to connect

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Get behind the scenes of the latest Projects, packed with renovation stories, photos and advice from our homeowners and trade professionals.

Frequently asked questions

It’s free for homeowners to post a job on Builderscrack and you pay the tradesperson directly for the job. Tradespeople pay for a subscription to access Builderscrack and a fee when they secure a job.

One of the cornerstones of Builderscrack is the authenticity of our review system and the visibility of reviews for homeowners.

If you engage with a tradesperson through Builderscrack, you can review them for communication and workmanship.

Reviews cannot be placed without an interaction via Builderscrack.

You can connect with up to three tradespeople. You might have more than three trade professionals asking to connect on your job, but you’re in control of who you’d like to discuss your job with.

If you’re not sure which trade to pick when you post your job, our local Support Team in Christchurch will select a trade category for you based on your job description.

Photos are a great way to attract more interest and give our trade professionals a clear indication of what your job entails — they are not required in order to post your job.

If you decide not to proceed with your job you can cancel it.

As seen on

Get started now! Post your job for free and find the right tradie. Post your job for free, now!